Mission Statement
Manufacturing Innovation Network Laboratory is to study foundational understanding of machining mechanics, develop scalable manufacturing technology, and advance innovatively current manufacturing technology through smart sustainable manufacturing.
The logo of MIN Lab stands for network of four elements required for manufacturing innovation: talents, idea, technology, and exploration. The symbols are from Yin-Yang philosophy and originally there are eight symbols. Our logo consists of four key symbols of which meanings are explained in the table below. By combining the four elements, the logo represents harmony and balance of four forces or movement within universe.
At the Manufacturing Innovation Network (MIN) Laboratory, our mission is to develop Appropriate Technology for Society (ATS) by advancing four key areas pertinent to advanced manufacturing – Ultra-Precision Machining (UPM), Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (SSM), Burr Minimization & Prevention (BMP) and Manufacturing for Design (MFD). We wish to leverage our knowledge in these four areas to further our understanding of material deformation during machining and develop novel technologies that help industries improve their process efficiencies, reduce downtime, energy consumption, and scraps and promote advanced manufacturing.