
Two types of membership

  • Research member: conducts research, provide solutions, dispatch engineers, offer training and education, etc.
  • Corporate member: provide problem sets, feedbacks, set mid- and long-term projects, allow site implementation, send engineers, etc.

Membership fees

  • Sponsor: $10,000/year or any amount (please contact us for the detailed information)
    • To support graduate students who is working on conventional manufacturing technology
    • Access to technical report
    • Access to annual meeting
  • Regular member $30,000/year
    • Can request 1 project per year
    • Access to research outcomes specifically related to the requested project topic
    • Access to general training
    • Shared graduate students
  • Gold member $60,000/year
    • Can request multiple projects
    • Full access of all outcomes of the consortium except NDA outcomes
    • Access to tailored training specific for the project
    • Dedicated graduate student