Monami Bhuyan received a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Assam Engineering College (Gauhati University), Guwahati, India. She is currently pursuing her M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering with the Manufacturing Innovation Network Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Her current research pursuit is in using Artificial Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing.
Graduate Students
Kim, Dae Nyoung
Liang, Rui
Nagaraj, Aditya
Aditya Nagaraj is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, United States. His research interests include ultra-precision machining of single crystalline ceramics, residual stresses and subsurface damage formation during machining.
Selvaraj, Vignesh
Vignesh Selvaraj received a B.S in Mechanical Engineering from P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. He received his M.S in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin Madison with the Quick Response Manufacturing Centre. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with the Manufacturing Innovation Network Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Madison. His research interest includes Smart Manufacturing, IIoT Systems, and Energy Monitoring.